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💌”I can’t promise you that today will be better. I can’t promise you that tomorrow will be better. I can’t even promise you that the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that will be better. But I can promise you that it will get better, in time. I can promise you that you will come out on the other side. I know this, because I know you still believe that this world is beautiful, no matter how hard the world has been on you. I know that despite the trials you have struggled through, despite the number of times life has let you down, a little part of you still believes in the quiet magic of the world. I know a little part of you is still hopelessly in love with the shimmering moon and the dancing stars. I know that a little part of you still believes in the secret mysteries of the universe. I know that your heart still warms up when you read a sweet poem, and your eyes still light up at the sight of fireworks. I know that deep down, you still have hope. And hope is all you really need to get by in this world. Hope is your power. Hope will help you rise. Hope will keep you believing that you deserve goodness, kindness, and limitless love. So I really hope that you keep believing. I hope you keep believing in sappy love songs and heartfelt conversations. I hope you keep believing that the moon and the stars are keeping you safe at night, shining light down to hide your darkness. I hope you keep believing that miracles are right around the corner, and that you just have to be open to them. And above all, I hope you don’t let your past make you afraid of your future...I hope you keep believing that no matter how hard life gets, and no matter how hard life has been, you are going to be okay. You are going to be more than just okay.”

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Forgiveness is powerful. But sometimes in love and relationships, we forgive the wrong people. Sometimes we’re tied closely to people who hurt us, and we think that we must forgive them to move forward, to save a relationship, to fix what has been torn apart, to give ourselves closure. Listen — forgiving someone doesn’t mean you allow them a free passage back into your heart. It doesn’t mean that you open the doors to your life and give them the key. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you need to keep that person in your life. Yes, you can forgive someone for cheating. You can forgive someone for breaking your heart. You can forgive someone for abandoning you in a time of need, for walking away, for not putting you first, for letting you go. But that doesn’t mean you need to trust that person again. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you’re obligated to stay in a relationship with someone who has destroyed the foundation of everything you’ve built. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you keep a close friendship with the person who betrayed you. Forgiveness means you accept what wrongs have been done to you, you let them go, and you begin again — with or without that person. You get to decide. Repeat that again — you get to decide, and you are not any less of a person for knowing when you need distance from people who have broken you. You are not spiteful, hateful, bad, or evil for taking time to heal. You are not wrong for forgiving and leaving that person in your past. So please do not think forgiveness means you must stay. Please, remember your worth, and know that you deserve a love that doesn’t leave. Know that forgiving someone does not make you weak, but gives you strength. Strength enough to let go, to move on, and to grow. Words: @_marisadonnelly Photo: @noel.alva

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💌 “you matter. If no one told you this today, I’m telling you this— you matter. Your feelings matter. They’re not too much or too strong or too annoying. They’re not unrealistic or crazy or naive. They’re you. They’re your depths and your emotions and they matter. Your heart matters. What you’re passionate about matters. The things that move you matter regardless of how society sees them, how your parents see them, and how your friends see them. Your passion is your calling and your calling matters no matter what it’s calling you to do. Your dreams matter. They’re not impossible, they’re not juvenile, they’re not unambitious and they’re not for everyone. Your vision matters. Your problems matter. The obstacles you face along the way are building your strength. The bumps you inadvertently take are making you a better driver, and all those tears you cried are washing you clean. Your tears matter and even your darkness matters. Your happiness matters. The details that you find joy in matter. The simple things that make you smile matter. The moments that take your breath away matter. You should seek them, you should find them and you should do more of them. Your smile matters. Your existence matters. It’s not accidental, you’re here because you have a story to tell and you’re here because you will have an impact. You matter. You always have and you always will. Maybe you forgot that because you’re surrounded by people who make you feel like you don’t, but you are enough and you are important and as long as you indubitably know that; nothing else matters. 🌈 What’s your favorite song ?

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💌« To my best friend, ⠀⠀ Thank you for being you and for letting me be me. Thank you for letting me feel so much like myself when I’m with you. Thank you for not making me wear any masks or put on any fronts. Thank you sharing in my happiest moments; for listening to my saddest stories and radiating compassion and empathy from wherever you happened to be. Thank you for being the only person I ever want to confide in. ⠀⠀ Thank you for being the most beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for making the world a better place, just by being in it. Thank you for loving more fiercely than anyone I know. Thank you for the laughs, for the cries, and for everything in between. Thank you for being my rock, my anchor; for keeping me grounded when I feel like I might otherwise blow away. Thank you for all of the things you do, big and small. Thank you for knowing my favorite ice cream flavor and what song I would die for. Thank you for always knowing what to say and for being one of life’s best teachers. Thank you for making fun of me when I deserve it, and for loving me when I don’t. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change, and for keeping some normalcy in a world full of chaos. ⠀⠀ Thank you for making me hurt when I miss you, but for taking the hurt away when I see you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the absolute privilege and honor of being able to call you my best friend; thank you for being my person. Thank you for giving me these reasons, and a million more, to be thankful. » 🍑Tag your best friends.

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Let me remind you that you’re loved. Your family would die for you, your friends would do anything to make you happy, your colleagues respect you and any person you meet can’t forget you, because you’re memorable and you’re smart and you’re warm. Let me remind you that I love you and let me tell you why and show you how. Let me remind you that you’re not alone. I’m with you and many people are, all you have to do is ask. You don’t have to face your fears alone, you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. We all get lost and we all doubt ourselves and we’re all scared of the unknown, but let me remind you that we can get lost together or find our way together and maybe then, we’ll find some answers. Let me remind you that you’re talented. You have the passion and the drive to pursue your dreams, and you have what it takes to make people listen to you, to make them pay attention, to make them stop and watch you. Let me remind you that I’ll never get tired of watching you, even when you mess up, even when you’re struggling to find the right words, even when your clothes are not matching, even when you don’t have anything to say, I’ll still watch you and I’ll be your biggest fan. Let me remind you that you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to fit in every box, you don’t have to color inside the lines — it’s okay if you’re different, it’s okay if you’re misunderstood, it’s okay if not everyone likes you. Let me remind that I like you and I always will. I know sometimes you might not think that I’m enough, but I’m the only one who truly matters. Because I am you, the side of you that you sometimes forget, the side of you that you sometimes hate, the side of you that you need when everyone else walks out on you and when you feel like giving up. I’m there and I will always be especially on the nights when you can’t sleep because you’re sad or heartbroken or frustrated with your life. I’ll be there, ready to remind you of all the things that you are and all the things that you can be. Words: @ranianaim Photo: @michaelmoretti

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💌”And maybe love isn’t always a kiss on a forehead but rather a hug and a kiss that say’s “I’m sorry let’s not fight” than spilling words out to each other in the heat of the moment that you would regret later. Maybe it isn’t about buy her diamond ring’s and lace underwear excepting her to wear it for you later that night. Maybe it’s leaving her pill bottle next to her phone with a glass of water as a reminder that thing’s can get better with a little help. Maybe love isn’t about giving fifty fifty each way, maybe it’s about giving 100 when that person greatest demons come to visit for the day. Maybe love isn’t about writing about how beautiful her body was the first time you saw it and how you’d have never seen anything more raw and natural. Maybe it’s about writing how she makes your soul dance in the rain of sunshine and how it also makes your heart ache from time to time when both sides are being stubborn. Maybe it’s not about a vow that you both swear to keep but a understanding that sometimes things don’t work out and sometimes they do. Maybe it’s not about saying I love you every second of every day but showing that love in the simplest of ways like “call me when you get home so I know you’re safe.” Maybe, just maybe you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places and maybe even the wrong people. Maybe the kind of love that you are so hell bound on searching for is taking your pills without no one reminding you or dying your hair the color of the sky because that’s the only time when you feel closest to your real self. Maybe the kind of love that you are searching for in another person is already right in front of you when you look in the mirror. Maybe that’s where you’ll find your one true love. Maybe it isn’t a her or him or someone but a you, maybe just maybe you can find the love that you long for in yourself and maybe just maybe if you’re lucky enough you’ll also meet a person who makes your heart dance in the rain. Maybe that’s what love is, loving yourself or maybe it’s not. I don’t know but when I do I’ll let you know.” Deeply Feeling Series (via promisesofamazing

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